Saturday, September 18, 2004

Everything (well, almost)

(there was a picture here originally... I still have it, somewhere.)

Girl from the 1950's , Voted Most "Faaabulous", your Worship, Japanese Ghost**only one of these nicknames was ever used. If you know, you know which one.

Missing those days... those days of Math 30, skipping class to be with a crying friend, having my eyelids sliced open by slippery hands, eating homemade sashimi and playing the Friends board game. Playing the meanest (and of course, therefore funnest) game of Charades EVER, wasting massive amounts of time on CP, and laughing as some of us dodged teachers (creepy McKeage) left and right as we skipped class for no reason. The dominance of Big Two. The drama that seemed so important at the time. Someone's first kiss. Scaring them at New Asia. The last day, there at Banana Jak's. Singing the three or four Chinese words we hadn't forgotten how to read from Chinese school. Falling asleep in Ernest's bedroom simultaneously. Coordinated our spares we could waste it in the library. (Not really) having their boobs stared at. Some lesbian-onic boob grabbing, ass squeezing, nipple touching. Someone touching someone's ass like everyday, come on I know it was you. Someone drinking their bum-bum off and getting, for them, soo touchy. Someone denying their complete love of drinking. Someone despising drinking (party pooper =D ). Someone with two other dudes helping birthday boy drink his skinny, children's shoe size-ass off. Someone pretentiously spouting during seminars. Someone's generosity I won't forget when I was pretty much broke... you'll get what you want when I'm a rich old dude, although I can't provide what you REALLY want. Unless it's sex, but that's what someone is else is for. Someone's black coat. Admitting they masturbated, right there on MSN and saved on two people's computers. The "things" that that black coat hid and weren't as obvious until the time they drew their arms back at that person's house. Three-way phone calls. Realizing who we wish we had spent time with more during high school. The devil Charney. The awesomeness of Jan Mohamed. Computer-like writing. Two dudes who wrote like Asian girls. The lunatic Taven. The super-genius Wagner. The evils of chemistry. Being a big brother. Talking at Beddington Mall and chilling at Boston Pizza. Graduation night. And thinking we were the greatest philosophers of our time. Oh wait, I still think that last one. Someone pooping their pants. Oh wait, Colin still does that.

NW- We never see each other, but hopefully you still know I'm there for you anytime, whether it be to listen, or to protect you from some guy. You've got your own knight now, though. He's a good guy and a hell of a lot smarter than you haha jokes. Consider me his assistant then, and make sure to call me if he's a jerk. But he won't.

VL- I wrote this long ass shoutout for you a long time ago. Everything I said back then is still true. You're still amazing and we still don't do enough stuff together. Missing Math 30 everyday. And when are we going to strippers / casino? CC's underage, how lame. Here's to hoping you find your "first and only". Do you remember what I'm talking about?

CC- Brilliant. Cynically optimistic. Tries to show lack of confidence when everyone knows he aced the test. Existentialist Buddhist, apparently. Utterly pretentious raging liberal, like myself. Mr. CC. You say you want security, a steady paying nine-to-fiver in a cubicle where you type away at numbers. In your heart you'd rather be an SNL or Conan writer, though, but you want security so much. You know, for a guy who's so organized, and in some ways, conservative, to my completely improvisational personality and complete lack of shame, my God Colin, you're one of the most interesting and intelligent people I've ever met. You just might be my favourite person to have a conversation with about anything remotely meaningful, except when you're being an asshole or party pooper, which is most of the time, haha. I don't know dude, I wouldn't be half as the pretentious blowhard I am without you. Just know you've had a fucking profound impact on my life in so many ways. Woohoo.

There's others who have been amazing. I'll post something sometime, promise.

comment from way back when
comment from way back when

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